






Software for the digital recording of sequences audio of any duration with contextual creation of Link on single interventions.

The program acquires in the format standard Wave to any frequency established by the user and contemporarily in the format Mp3 to the same frequency established for the Wave. Optionally the user can decide to effect the compression in a following moment to the acquisition modifying, if of the case, also the frequency.

It exploits the normal entries Microphone and LineIn. It can also record from the reproduction of an existing digital file for the formation of a new audio file complete of Link on single interventions.

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Configuration of the Interventions:

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Bar of the Interventions Shaped and ready to the use:

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Visualization of the ghost of a recording audio :

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Panel Configurations:

Schedule configuration:


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Wave and Entries Audio Configuration:


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Mp3 and Management Files Configuration:


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Principal characteristics:

bulletAcquisition in real time in the double formed Wave and Mp3 on separate folder also chosen by the user on net.
bulletPlay back than recorded previously (also during the phase of recording) with graphic visualization of the ghost.
bulletPossibility to divide the recording on more separate file and automatically named by the system with points of union (double recording) among the adjoining files of varying duration planned previously by the user.
bulletSetting and rescue of "Contexts of personage" to use him for the manual creation of Link on single interventions.
bulletSetting and rescue of "Planning of Recordings" in schedule .

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Last updating: 22-06-15